Solar Hot Water - Invest in Long-term Savings and Sustainability

When considering solar water heaters, it's important to look beyond the initial cost and consider the substantial long-term benefits as electric and gas bills continue to rise for the average Australian household.

Upgrading to a solar solution makes sense to make significant savings, reduce overall energy consumption, and cut your carbon footprint. By utilising the sun's free energy to heat your water, you are also future-proofing yourself against rising energy costs. Government incentives and rebates further lower the upfront investment, making it an even more appealing choice. Over time, the savings on energy bills and the increase in property value make solar water heaters a smart, cost-effective investment.

The focus should be on the ongoing rewards and sustainability rather than just the initial price tag. A well-chosen solar hot water system may cost more initially, but it can be significantly cheaper to run than conventional electric or gas systems.

Why Choose Solahart for Your Solar Hot Water System?

In Australia and worldwide, the Solahart name is synonymous with solar energy. We pioneered harnessing the sun’s power for the benefit of consumers and businesses in Australia. Since releasing our first solar water heater in 1953, we have installed over one million systems in more than 70 countries. Our success comes from providing more than just solar hot water prices. We offer a complete service, from determining your needs and recommending the best solution to expert installation and ensuring you receive the maximum benefit from available government rebates and solar incentives.

Investment Benefits

  • Long-term Savings: While the initial cost may be higher, the ongoing savings on your energy consumption make solar hot water systems a smart financial investment.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: Solar hot water systems use the sun's energy, significantly lowering your reliance on electricity or gas.
  • Increase Home Value: Installing a solar hot water system can enhance the value of your property, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

Interest-Free Finance

We understand that the initial cost of solar solutions can be a concern. That's why Solahart offers interest-free finance options, making it easier for you to invest in a solar hot water system without the stress of upfront costs.

Comprehensive Services

As a leader in the solar industry, Solahart provides expert advice on all things solar. We offer a free, no-obligation solar assessment of your home to help you determine the best solar solution for your energy and hot water consumption patterns.

Types of Solar Hot Water Systems

Roof-Top Solar Water Heater

If you have ample roof space, rooftop systems are ideal. These systems mount the solar panels and storage tank together on the roof. The collectors draw the sun’s energy into the fluid in the solar collectors, which circulates to the storage tank.

Split System Solar Water Heater

For homes with limited roof space or a preference for a streamlined look, a split system may be the best solution. While the solar panels are mounted on the roof, the storage tank is located at ground level.

Heat Pump Water Heater

If your home has limited roof space or roof shading issues, a heat pump might be a better option. Heat pumps draw heat from the surrounding air, enabling them to operate day and night regardless of the weather.

Solahart PowerStore®

Solahart PowerStore® is an innovative solar-smart electric water heater that helps you maximise the use of your solar energy. PowerStore is designed to work with your solar power system, storing excess solar energy by heating water, which can then be used throughout your home.

Benefits of Solahart PowerStore®

  • Energy Efficiency: Utilises excess solar energy, reducing waste and optimising your solar power usage.
  • Cost Savings: By storing solar energy as hot water, you can save on electricity bills.
  • Smart Technology: Integrates seamlessly with your existing solar power system for efficient energy management.

Contact Us for a Free Solar Assessment

To better understand your solar needs, whether for solar hot water or solar power, schedule a free solar assessment with your local Solahart Expert. Call 1300 721 984 to to request your free solar assessment for your home, or simply complete the form below, and Solahart will contact you.

Get a solar assessment

To find the right system for your situation and get an accurate in-home solar assessment, just fill in your details or call 1300 721 984

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